The political scene in Jammu and Kashmir is changing. For years, the usual power players called the shots in the erstwhile State. But now, something unexpected is happening. Engineer Abdul Rashid once pushed to the sidelines, has become a key figure in the Valley's political talks. What makes this even more interesting? He's doing it all from inside Tihar Jail. This turn of events shows just how unpredictable Kashmir's politics can be.

Rashid, after spending five years behind bars under the tough UAPA law, seemed to many like a figure from the past. Yet, his recent win in the Lok Sabha polls beating NC Vice President and ex-Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, has pushed him back into the limelight. Standing as an Independent for the Baramulla seat, Rashid's success goes beyond personal achievement; it shows how unhappy people are with Kashmir's established political parties.

The Awami Ittehad Party (AIP), which Rashid started, has an influence on this feeling. It sees itself as speaking for people who think the NC and the People's Democratic Party (PDP), the usual big players, let them down. Rashid's son Abrar now leads the campaign since his father can't. He's getting people to back them by pointing to his father's ongoing jail time.

What the AIP says hits home with people seeming tired of how things are. The NC and PDP have made promises for years, but many are now fed up. This has opened the door for Rashid to run as an outsider. His son says the coming Assembly vote will change everything for Kashmir. More and more people think that if Rashid gets back into politics, it could mean big changes in how the Valley is run.

The possibility of Rashid getting out of Tihar Jail is hanging in the balance. The AIP has asked for bail, and people think it might happen before the Assembly elections. If this occurs, it could fire up his followers and shake up the long-standing power balance in Kashmir politics.

Still, some questions linger. Can someone who's been in jail for five years charged with funding 'terrorism', lead a political shake-up? Or is his current fame just a flash in the pan driven more by people's frustrations than any long-term political plan?

One thing's for sure: Engineer Rashid has become a rebel figure in a place where staying in politics often means going along to get along. His rise from the edges of Kashmir's political discourse to the center of today's talks shows how politics can change in the Valley. As the Assembly elections get closer, everyone will be watching Rashid and the AIP wondering if this upstart movement can turn popular backing into real political clout.

In the Valley where it's hard to tell heroes from villains, Engineer Rashid's tale shows his toughness, his fight against the system, and his lasting wish for things to get better. From jail or while running for office, he has an impact on what's next for Jammu and Kashmir given the upcoming Assembly elections.

This post first appeared on The Kashmir Pulse

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