Srinagar: The Vice-Chancellor of University of Kashmir in anticipation of the approval of the competent body has authorized implementation of following Semester System Scheme at Under-Graduate Level from the academic session 2015:
1. There shall be four units for each paper/course. Each unit shall have equal weightage in terms of content.
2. Weightage of marks for Semester End Examination and Internal Assessment will be in the ratio of 80:20.
3. There will be Single Paper Semester End Examination for each course/paper.
4. Internal Assessment will consist of 20 marks to be equally distributed between two components viz; Attendance and Class Test.
5. For Lab Oriented Courses the weightage of marks shall be 60:20:20 for theory, practical, internal/continous assessment components respectively. While as for non-labcourses the weightage will be 80:20 for theory and internal/continous assessment.
6. Semester End Examination question paper will consist of two sections viz; A and B. Section A will contain four questions, one question with an alternate from each unit. Section B will consist of four questions also, on each unit and the examinees will be required to attempt only two questions. In all, each students will be required to attempt 6 questions i.e 4 Medium Type and 2 Long Answer Type Questions.
7. Division of Marks between Section A and Section B will be in the ratio of 60:40. For non-lab courses weightage of Section A will be 48 marks, while as it will be 36 marks incase of lab courses. Incase of Section B, the weightage will be 32 marks and 24 marks for non-lab and lab courses respectively.
8. While Internal Assessment Test will be conducted by the concerned college, Semester End Examination will be held by the University of Kashmir, Srinagar.
9. The question paper shall be of 02:30 hours duration.

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