Jammu: The candidates who have appeared in CUCET 2015/applied for CUCET 2015 (have qualified JRF/NET/SLET/SET) and are desirous of seeking admission to integrated M.Phil-Ph.D are required to submit the following scanned documents positively on the mail address of the subject for which admission is sought upto August 20, 2015 till 5.30 p.m. failing which no further request will be entertained and case will not be considered for determination of composite merit.
I. The copy of marks card of Master’s Degree for all semesters
II. The copy of Admit Card and Score Card of CUCET
III. Category Certificate, if any.
The Candidates are required to visit the University website (www.cujammu.ac.in) for information relating to admissions. The admissions will be made through counselling. The information relating to admissions shall remain posted on the website of Central University of Jammu from time to time. The final admission list is expected by the end of this month. The exact schedule will be notified on website shortly.
The mail address of each subject has been shown below. The copy of marks card etc. should be sent on relevant mail Id.
I. The copy of marks card of Master’s Degree for all semesters
II. The copy of Admit Card and Score Card of CUCET
III. Category Certificate, if any.
The Candidates are required to visit the University website (www.cujammu.ac.in) for information relating to admissions. The admissions will be made through counselling. The information relating to admissions shall remain posted on the website of Central University of Jammu from time to time. The final admission list is expected by the end of this month. The exact schedule will be notified on website shortly.
The mail address of each subject has been shown below. The copy of marks card etc. should be sent on relevant mail Id.
Subject Applied Email Id
Mathematics depttmathcuj@gmail.com
Economics depttecocuj@gmail.com
English depttengcuj@gmail.com
Education deptteducuj@gmail.com
Human Resource Management deptthrmcuj@gmail.com
Tourism & Travel Management deptttourismcuj@gmail.com
National Security Studies depttnsscuj@gmail.com
Public Policy & Public Administration depttpppacuj@gmail.com
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