Srinagar: National Conference Spokesman Junaid Azim Mattu has said that the rank and file of National Conference was helping the flood-affected people 24×7 by leading major relief and rehabilitation efforts in every flood-affected area in the State on the instructions of Party President Dr. Farooq Abdullah and Working President Omar Abdullah. “Our party cadre finds its roots in the struggle of this valiant nation against enormous odds and this same spirit of defiance and fortitude is being exhibited by our workers today in this unprecedented crisis when they are serving others with warmth and empathy while their own homes and hearths have been destroyed as well”, the NC Spokesman said.
The NC Spokesman said the party also salutes the absolutely inspiring spirit of resilience and empathy demonstrated by our people, especially the youth in the darkest hours of this natural calamity. Mattu said that while this flood destroyed hundreds and thousands of homes and took away hundreds of precious lives it also gave birth to thousands of heroes who will play an instrumental role in guiding the State out of these tough times and bringing it back on the track of progress and development.
“While contrarianism and cynicism might be luxuries, our opponents would rather indulge in at such a time of great misfortune, mourning and devastation, National Conference will continue to deliver hope, positivity and service while dispensing its responsibilities without any excuses. We don’t believe in escapism. Had this calamity taken place during the PDP rule they would have enacted a drama, grabbed a few placards and resigned and run away to a distant high-ground - as has been their demonstrated tendency whenever the State has gone through troubled times. Even when our Chief Minister had no access to his Government beyond six-people who gathered in a room he chose to fight without putting forth any excuses rather than giving in. He had the humility to welcome criticism and fight on, and inspired by his leadership - the entire Administration has done an exemplary job and continues to do remarkable work despite all constraints. The history of this flood will not be written by biased voices, political parties or propagandists but by the brave survivors and citizens of J&K” the NC Spokesman said.
The NC Spokesman said the Government was defined by more than 4 lakh employees and not a few Minister or legislators alone and that these 4 lakh employees had gone back to their jobs even while their homes were still marooned. “When propagandists claim the glory of cynicism and when their opinion gets clouded by a misguided sense of rebellion and dissent, they are not hurting a few men or administrators but all those brave, hard-working employees of the State Government - from laborers up to senior officers - who have shed their sweat and blood since the last almost three weeks. Every single Government Department has bounced back within no time to deliver to the people - be it Power, Drinking Water, Sanitation and Garbage Collection or Health Service - the Government employees deserve to be lauded than to be portrayed as villains by PDP. Nothing could have been more petty and unfortunate. While Mehbooba Mufti continues to demoralize our officers and public servants who haven’t gone home from the field in two weeks - some of them having lost kith and kin, Mufti Sayeed pretends to extend support to the State Government after a span of three weeks. This is absolutely ridiculous and unfortunate. Where are the PDP Members of Parliament even three weeks after the floods? Where did the PDP MLAs from South Kashmir disappear as if they didn’t exist the moment South Kashmir got ravaged by flash floods? How could PDP MLAs have the hear the leave for New Delhi with their families while our people were struggling against death and destruction? Mehbooba Mufti should first answer these questions and explain the shocking failure of her MLAs and MPs, including herself, in dispensing duties they were elected for”, Mattu added.
The NC Spokesman has also lashed out at baseless and exaggerated reports of alleged de-watering issues in certain newspapers and said that such propaganda, while it might be in line with the political affiliations of these papers was diametrically opposed to the strength and courage shown by the youth of Kashmir in this crisis. “Government employees and officers are leaving no stone unturned to ensure the fastest possible de-watering of inundated areas and this will continue till the last drop of water is drained out. The criticism has only turned into recurring challenges for them and they will not stop performing their duties with utmost integrity and commitment. De-watering is underway on an optimum, maximum possible scale and all available infrastructure has been put to use by various departments. Similarly the SMC and Health Departments are working round-the-clock, even during night-hours, to ensure that the city is cleaned of the lakhs of tons of waste that the flood has left back while also ensuring that Hospitals are sanitized properly and vaccinations - as and where needed - are given”, Junaid Mattu said.
The NC Spokesman has said National Conference was singularly focused on the relief and rehabilitation of flood-affected people right now and the very thought of elections or electioneering was not as important as the value of lives, homes and hearths that have been decimated by the floods. “There are very frequent questions about elections right now. We will speak on this issue once we are through this phase of relief and rehabilitation. The democratically elected Government of the people of Jammu & Kashmir is working day and night to offer relief and succor to the people right now - and that massive humanitarian effort is beyond politics and partisanship - and beyond any thoughts of electioneering. We have contested elections after emerging from the most unimaginable phases of chaos and disturbance in the State and we are fully capable of contesting elections with utmost strength and passion in the future too. But right now - the immediate and basic needs of a devastated people come first”, the NC Spokesman added.

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