By: Umer Maqbool
Srinagar, Nov 20: Asserting that establishment of Islamic order would ensure peace in the world, chairman of Hurriyat Conference (G) Syed Ali Shah Geelani Sunday said resolution of Kashmir issue was in the interest of India.
“Kashmir issue needs to be resolved in accordance with the principle of right to self determination, which is in the interest of India, Pakistan and 13 million people of Jammu and Kashmir. It should be solved keeping in the view innumerable sacrifices rendered by the people and the historical background of the issue,” Geelani said, quoting the resolution passed on the occasion of a seminar organized by Tehreek-e-Hurriyat here today.
The seminar themed “Apostasy, Moral Waywardness - Causes and Consequences,” was held at Hyderpora headquarters of Hurriyat (G).
Geelani said if India continues its traditional “stubborn approach” on Kashmir, it would have serious ramifications for the entire region.
“India’s unrealistic policy will be responsible for these consequences,” he said, adding there is no moral, constitutional and democratic justification to India’s rule here, as promises and commitments made by its leadership over the issue at international as well as at national level have not been fulfilled.
Calling for establishment of Islamic order in the world, Geelani said, “Neither peace will be established in the world nor injustice will end, till this (Islamic) order is established.”
Geelani also said a well planned conspiracy has been hatched to wipe out Urdu language from Jammu and Kashmir “to deprive us from the religious literature”
“We don’t have hatred with any language, but most of the religious literature in Pakistan, India and in this disputed territory is in Urdu. Our first priority should be to learn Arabic language, then Urdu,” he said, adding, “Urdu which enjoys status of official language in the state hasn’t been given due recognition.”
“Till you don’t associate employment with any language, people will not feel need of reading it,” he added.
Mincing no words in castigating mainstream politicians, for what he termed, promoting immoral and unethical activities in the state, Geelani said, “They are promoting liquor, drugs and moral waywardness. The biggest tragedy is that our religious places including Auqaf are under their control. See, our finance minister claimed that they earned revenue of Rs 10 crore from taxes of liquor during 2009 and Rs 20 crore in 2010.”
Geelani said presence of armed forces in JK was responsible for the moral waywardness, saying that their deployment in localities inhabited by people interferes with “our privacy.”
“Neither immoral activities will end nor our national identity will be restored till Indian forces are here,” he said.
Referring to the alleged conversions by Christian missionaries in the Valley, Geelani said it is a global conspiracy against Muslims and “our weaknesses are also responsible for it.”
“In Kashmir, different cultures are imposed in the name of spiritualism and Kashmiriyat to wean us away from the right path,” he added.
Speaking on the occasion, columnist ZG Muhammad said, “The protests might be used alibi for banning social networking website, Facebook. Why should we react by holding protests, let us contradict them by logic and facts”.
Kashmir University’s Law department faculty member, Prof Sheikh Showkat Hussain said there might be “certain provocations” to control Facebook by the system.
“Our response should be concrete rather than targeting social media which is simply a way of communication,” he said, adding that resistance movement needs to have social agenda.
Among others, Amir Jamaat-e-Islami, Sheikh Muhammad Hassan, Jamiat-Ahli-Hadess leader Abdur Rehman Bhat, High Court Bar Association President Mian Abdul Qayoom, Abdul Majid Zargar, Moulana Showkat Keng, Dr Javaid Iqbal, Moulana Altaf Nadvi, Moulana Hafiz Hilal Ahmad and Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai spoke on the occasion.
The proceedings of the daylong seminar were conducted by spokesman of the amalgam, Ayaz Akbar.

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