In a highly provocative move, the US, on Tuesday, arrested renowned Kashmiri leader Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai declaring him an agent of the ISI. The timing of the move, which coincided visit of Secretary of State Hilary Clinton to New Delhi and after a fence-mending visit of ISI chief to Washington, clearly indicates that it is aimed at pleasing and cultivating India and maligning and pressurising Pakistan’s ISI that has become an eye sore to Americans.
Dr Fai, who commands wide and immense respect of Kashmiris throughout the world for his sincere efforts to project their cause, established Kashmir American Council/Kashmir Centre in Washington way back in 1990 with the declared objective of ‘raising the level of knowledge in the US about the struggle of the Kashmiri people for self-determination’ but strangely enough it dawned upon the US after about 22 years that he was involved in activities that violate its laws. This is despite the fact that during this long period, Dr Fai and his organization have been lobbying consistently with the US lawmakers and policy-makers to get support for the legitimate right of self-determination of Kashmiri people and Fai not only received award of “Prestigious distinction of the National Republican Senatorial Committee commission” but was also frequently invited by the United Nations to attend its conferences on conflict resolution and human rights. US officials maintain that individuals and entities engaged in lobbying for foreign countries or interests are required to get themselves properly registered but here Fai and his KAC were not lobbying on behalf of others but being a genuine Kashmiri he was pleading his own case to which he was fully entitled to come under the US law. The charge that he received funds from ISI is ridiculous as it is an open secret that Fai was being supported by well-to-do Kashmir expatriates. In fact, by arresting Fai, the United States has conveyed a clear and vivid impression to Kashmiris that it can never be trusted as an honest and neutral broker for resolution of the Kashmir dispute as it has become a party to the conflict by aligning clearly with the usurper of rights of Kashmiri people. It is also an eye opener for those who never get tired of praising the so-called rule of law in the United States, as the incident shows laws can be moulded to serve sinister designs.

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