Maqbool, Afzal victims of unfinished agenda of partition: Er Rasheed
Srinagar: While paying tributes to Mohammad Afzal Guru and Mohammad Maqbool Bhat on their anniversaries AIP Supremo MLA Langate Er Rasheed has appealed world community to end bloodshed in J&K by finding political solution to the Kashmir dispute.
Addressing a series of public meetings in Handwara and Langate today, Er Rasheed said that Maqbool Bhat and Afzal Guru were not criminals but victims of unfinished agenda of partition of the sub-continent.
He said, “Let not only India but world community explain what they have achieved by hanging Afzal Guru and Maqbool Bhat. Hasn’t their ideology and desire to get Kashmir issue resolved gone deeper to the roots of people of J&K and India’s military might and financial packages have yielded nothing except pushing Kashmiris to further radicalization and alienation. Billions of Indians should feel their heads down and ashamed of the fact that why the state has proved so inhuman and brutal that it didn’t even handed over the dead bodies of these martyrs.
If Afzal Guru and Maqbool Bhat were terrorists, why doesn’t GoI act against hundreds of officers in uniform who are involved in heinous crimes from murders to forced disappearances?” He added, “Let GoI introspect what forced police to bury the bodies of four youth killed in Sonawari in the border area of Uri? Normally people should celebrate the deaths of militants but what makes Kashmiris to give them respect beyond imagination, is a question that Indian state should seriously find the answer.
It would be in India’s own interest to introspect its misdeeds and atrocities in J&K rather celebrating false victory every time.”

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