New Delhi: Chief Minister, Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, Thursday called on the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, at his residence and discussed with him the overall political and developmental situation, besides the measures brought about in bringing transparency and improving governance in the state.
During the meeting, the two leaders discussed wide-ranging issues including relations with Pakistan and cross-LoC trade and travel, skill development, infrastructure building, problems facing PoK refugees and the Agenda of the Alliance of the Coalition government.
The Chief Minister observed that adverse relations with Pakistan negatively impact the political and developmental processes in the state. He pitched for expanding the scope of cross-LoC trade and travel, which he described as a significant confidence building measure.
Mufti Sayeed also expressed gratitude to the Prime Minister for Centre’s support in construction of National Highway as well as in Railways, education, health and rural development sectors. He said with liberal funding the State government will accelerate developmental activities, particularly in these core sectors.
The Chief Minister also discussed with Narendra Modi the Agenda of the Alliance of the coalition government, in particular transfer of Dul Hasti and Uri Hydel Power Projects to the State. He also highlighted the need for starting Srinagar-Jeddah flights via Dubai from the Srinagar International Airport.
Mufti Sayeed also underscored the need for urgent expansion of Jammu Airport for which the transfer of land held by the Army has to be expedited. He also requested for increase in the frequency of Srinagar-Leh air service.
Discussion was also held on vacation of Lower Khurbathong Plateau in Kargil for creating better civic facilities for the people. Besides, other matters pertaining to Ladakh and Jammu regions were also deliberated upon between the two leaders.
The issue of funding for carrying out the repair and restoration of damaged infrastructure in unprecedented floods of September 2014 also figured in the talks.
Describing growing number of educated unemployed youth as a real challenge for the government, Mufti Sayeed sought active participation of the Central government agencies in absorbing the talented human resource of the state.
The Chief Minister informed the Prime Minister about various initiatives being taken by the state government to fully harness the winter tourism potential in the state. The issue of skill development and the revival and branding of fabled Handicraft of the state were also discussed during the meeting.
The Prime Minister will be visiting the state on November 5, 2015 during which he will also inaugurate the Baglihar II Hydel Power Project.

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