By: Dr. A Q Khan
After waiting for 44 years and trusting the hypocritical Western leaders, the Palestinians have had enough and their president, Mahmoud Abbas, decided to apply to the UN for the recognition of a Palestinian state. The request was submitted on Sept 23 and formally accepted by the secretary general the following day. A diplomatic storm broke out and the US and France openly opposed it. Other Western countries will probably join them at the time of voting. In 2009 President Obama gave a speech at Al-Azhar University in Cairo which was hailed by many as a milestone. He then went on to speak in Ankara. The purpose of that exercise was merely to take Muslims for a ride, pretending to be their friend and well-wisher. He has been saying all along that he is not an enemy of Islam, but the killing of millions of Muslims seems to be a different matter altogether.
On Sept 21, President Obama delivered a speech at the UN ridiculing the efforts of Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, by saying that he would get nothing through a UN resolution (the creation of Israel by a UN resolution was a different matter!), and that the Israelis and Palestinians should solve their disputes through the old mantra of negotiations.
The Western countries have turned Israel into a nuclear and missile power and equipped it with the latest aircraft and tanks. The Israelis can pulverise the combined armed forces of all the Arab countries within a week. On the other hand, it is as if the Palestinians were equipped with catapults and stones.
After the Second World War, all efforts of the Western countries have been directed at harming Islamic countries, Kashmir and Palestine being the two most notable cases. For them Kashmiris and Palestinians are not human beings (since they are Muslims) and hence don’t deserve any sympathy. The Palestinians, on the one hand, have been told that they are unfit and incapable of ruling themselves, even though they are one of the most advanced and educated people. On the other hand, the semi-naked head-hunters from Papua New Guinea and East Timor and the underdeveloped, illiterate South Sudanese are considered to be qualified for self-governance. Since they are Christians, Western leaders considered it a crusade to help them.
This same policy is being followed in Palestine. The Jews, who suffered so much at the hands of these so-called civilised Christians, who did not hesitate to call them dogs, are now perpetrating the worst atrocities on the Palestinians, who had nothing to do with the atrocities committed against them during World War II. The UN resolution of 1947 envisaged two states, Israel and Palestine. Israel exists and has usurped much of the land reserved for the Palestinians, but Western leaders, mostly born-again Christians, have no compunction to ask Israel to allow the Palestinians to live like human beings.
While the Jews were being persecuted in Christian countries, Turkey and other Islamic countries allowed them to live there as equal citizens. Turkey is a notable example here. The Arabs, including the Palestinians, were simple people and not aware of the intrigues and cunningness of the West and were consequently cheated by them. Let us have a quick glance at the historical background.
After many wars between the Crusaders and the Muslims, Salahuddin inflicted a humiliating defeat on the combined forces of England, France, Germany and other European countries. The treatment meted out to the wounded and captive Crusaders by Salahuddin is a golden chapter in the history of the Islamic World. Until World War I, things were more or less normal in Palestine but then Britain, as an occupying power, allowed thousands of Jews to come into Palestine and enabled them to buy and occupy large tracts of Palestinian land. Most of these Jews came from Europe. The Turkish caliph had forbidden the migration of Jews to Palestine and the purchase of land, but this changed with British occupation after World War I. Up to that time all Islamic countries, excepting Morocco and Mauritania, had been under Turkish rule. After World War I, the British occupied Iraq and Palestine and France occupied Syria and Lebanon.
At that time Muslims totally ignored the edicts of Allah that Muslims are brothers to each other and must solve all their differences through dialogue and consultation. The result is obvious. The Muslims were humiliated, lost sovereignty and became pariahs.
Their downfall in Spain, Central Asia and the Middle East was due to in-fighting and intrigues. The Arabs played a very dirty and treacherous game during World War I. Sharif Hussein of Mecca, the governor of Hijaz under the Turkish government, was one of the greatest traitors the Arab World has ever produced. He, his sons and some others joined the British to stab the Turks in the back. Col T E Lawrence of the British army was accepted as their leader and they attacked the Turkish army and destroyed the infrastructure on the (false) promise that, after the war, all Arab lands would be turned into an independent Arab country. These scum of humanity attacked and murdered Turkish men, women and children in the Kaaba. They fired on the Kaaba and those in the forefront were Indian Muslim soldiers. Unfortunately, their descendants repeated the same abhorrent action by attacking Muslim women and children in Lal Masjid, killing almost 1,400 with phosphorous bombs.
The Arabs destroyed the most useful railway network between Turkey, Baghdad, Basra, Damascus and Medina. This network also joined Damascus with Beirut and Haifa. In 1919, the French army occupied Damascus, but the Arabs declared Syria to be an independent country and appointed Faisal, son of Sharif Hussein, as king. At that time Lebanon was a part of Syria. France separated the two and declared Lebanon an independent state. The reasoning was that it had a large Christian population, was very beautiful and highly fertile. Jordan was also a part of Syria. After removing King Faisal, the French appointed his brother, Abdullah bin Hussein, as the ruler of Jordan. He was a British stooge and immediately handed over the administration and control of the army to the British.
In 1947, when the British Mandate expired, the Jordanians started an armed struggle to prevent Jews from occupying their land. However, they were no match for the Israelis who had been armed to the teeth by the British and French and had about 25,000 highly trained soldiers from the recently ended World War. The Egyptian and Syrian armies also failed to make any gains while the British-trained Arab Legion under Gen John B Glubb (better known as Glubb Pasha) occupied the West Bank and Jerusalem.

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