Srinagar: Calling October 27 as the most tragic and darkest day in the history ofJammu and Kashmir, Chairman APHC Syed Ali Shah Geelani Thursday asked people to observe a complete shutdown on the day to show the international community that People here will never reconcile with this occupation and fight against it till the last soldier leaves this land. He appealed to Kashmiris living In other countries to organize protest rallies on the day and highlight the military atrocities being carried out in Kashmir.
APHC chairman said that Kashmir was autonomous state till 26th October 1947 but on 27th October the Indian troops initiated the occupation of Jammu and Kashmir. He said that this occupation has no legal moral or political validation and it is only due to military might that India is holding on to Jammu and Kashmir. Kashmiri people have struggled ever since against this occupation but despite claiming to be democratic country India has used every available power to crush the public opinion. More than one lakh people have been killed and ten thousand have been subjected to enforced disappearance. Thousands of women have been violated. Unmarked and mass graves are being discovered all over valley. All this has happened because of the military occupation initiated on 27th October 1947.
Calling for complete demilitarization, APHC chairman said that until Indian forces are on this soil life and honour of people is not safe and there will be no regard for human rights. He further added that Kashmir is a problem for peace in whole south Asia forcing to two already impoverished nations to spend major part of their budget on military instead of poverty eradication programs. Mr. Geelani said that the biggest hurdle in the settlement of this issue is the stubborn mindset of India. Despite making tall claims of democracy India does not want a peaceful solution to this imbroglio. APHC chairman said that the international community has accepted our right for self determination with UN passing no less than 18 resolutions in this regard. It is high time that UN lives up to its word and plays a role in providing the right to people in Kashmir as they have done in the case of countries like south Sudan, Abkhazia, Serbia, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro, Eastern Timor in the recent past. Mr. Geelani said that India should have a relook at its expansionist policy accepting the ground realities otherwise it will be left alone on the international front soon.

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