Srinagar: The Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Muhammad Yasin Malik on Saturday termed Anna Hazare’s statement on Kashmir as the worst example of ‘moral bankruptcy and intellectual dishonesty.’
“He is still wearing the RSS knickers (shorts) under the Khadi of Gandhi,” Malik said in a statement.
“JK is not an integral part of any country. Calling himself as the image of Gandhi, Anna has now virtually become Nathu Ram Godsay. He is throwing dust into the eyes of world,” Malik added.
“In 1998 Anna Hazare came to Srinagar and personally visited my residence. He talked about atrocities on Kashmiris, human rights violations and advocated restoration of their political rights. But his yesterday’s statement (that Jammu Kashmir is integral part of India) has stunned everyone. Behind his Gandhian façade, there virtually lies RSS ideology and stand. His statement has proved that he is virtually the follower of Gandhi’s killer Nathu Ram Godsay.”
Commenting on the recent statement of Swami Aganivesh in which he had talked about freeing Pakistan-administered Kashmir, Malik said he (Swami) visited Kashmir in the past three consecutive years and talked of Kashmiris’ rights and shed tears over the excesses being perpetrated on them. “Last year Swami also participated in the hunger strike with us as a protest against the human rights violations perpetrated by the forces in Kashmir. But his inner grudge for Kashmiris also surfaced and he has also now stood up against Kashmiris,” he said.
Malik said, “We want to clarify that statements of Anna Hazare, Swami Agnivesh and the people of their tribe cannot change the disputed status of Jammu Kashmir.”
The Hurriyat Conference (G) termed Anna Hazare’s statement as ridiculous and far from reality.
“Indian hero, who is championing the cause of social justice, has exposed his own real face by uttering the words of sheer injustice,” said the Hurriyat (G) spokesman Ayaz Akbar in a statement.
“Anna’s claim that JK is an integral part of India has proved his hypocrisy,” he added.
Akbar said the noted legal luminary Prashant Bushan had realistically stated the truth about Kashmir thereby raising his stature higher than that of Anna Hazare and honour in the eyes of justice-loving people in the world.
“Not only Anna Hazare but also many other great leaders of India have also preferred national interest to saying truth about Kashmir,” he said. “By criticizing and discouraging Prashant Bushan for uttering truth, Anna has dwarfed his own personality.”
Akbar also termed Swami Agnivesh’s statement that Pakistan administered Kashmir should be annexed with India as reflection of "fascist mindset."
Commenting on the remarks of Anna Hazare the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (R) acting chairman Javid Ahmad Mir termed these as unrealistic.
In a statement Mir said, “Indian politicians, media and even social activists come with their knives out against those who talk of peaceful resolution of Kashmir issue.”
Mir said Anna should understand that gagging the truth is a sin bigger than corruption. He said he (Anna) was maligning the image of real followers of Gandhi and trying to bolster the sagging image of BJP.
“The noted supreme court lawyer Prashant Bushan has spoken the truth for which he should have received a pat on his shoulder. But instead of encouraging him, Anna Hazare criticized him for telling the truth about Kashmir and in a vain attempt tried to mislead the people by telling a sheer lie,” said Mir.

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