Srinagar: Chairman APHC Syed Ali Geelani has shown deep concern over the organization of singing and dancing shows in the name of cultural programs in schools and colleges. He said that in a planned manner government is corrupting our moral setup and in the name of education our youth are being led to a moral suicide. Mr. Geelani strongly condemned the arrest of two young doctors at GMC who had protested against the organization of a dance show of girls and boys.
Under house arrest for the past 144 hours, APHC chairman said in a press release that the centuries old morality and character of our nation is under attack and the rulers are trying to morally corrupt the people under a well planed manner. He said that there are evidences suggesting that all this is being carried out on the direction of policy makers in New Delhi, so that our youth are cut off from our religious and national issues.
Geelani said that the most worrisome thing is that this plan is being executed at the hands of few people of our own nation. Our own people are filling colours into the plans of New Delhi. Mr. Geelani said that it is surprising that the state ministers and administrative officers who are chief guest in various 'Milad' conferences and religious functions organize and participate in these dance and singing functions and clap at the death of moral character of our next generation.
Mr. Geelani said that these conditions need serious thinking by the conscious people of the society. If the spread of immorality is not checked it will lead our society to total rot. Mr. Geelani said that no good in this connection can be expected from the rulers and there is no expectation that they will repent on their acts before being caught in the wrath of Almighty Allah. These people are receiving constant appreciation and encouragement from Delhi for their “Services”.
Mr. Geelani said how can we expect those people to stand up against immorality who are themselves involved in sex scandals. APHC chairman said that in controlling these vices Ulema and Mufti’s could have played a very important role but they are not paying due heed to this burning issue. Holding religious conferences and gatherings has become a daily affair in our part of the world but these congregations are used to project particular sects as right and others as wrong. Sectarianism and groupism are preached in these congregations and instead of uniting Muslim against one common enemy they are made to stand up against one another.
Mr. Geelani said that the basic reason for the spread of immorality and other vices in the society is the Indian occupation. But our ulema are not playing the role expected from them in this respect. It was imperative that they raised their voices against Indian oppression and aggression but they are not only silent but some of them according to reports are working as parts in the occupational machinery of Delhi. They are working to divide Kashmiri people on different pretexts so that the struggle against Indian occupation can be weakened. Mr Geelani said we can’t be mute spectators to the spread of immorality and drugs at the hands of the rulers. We are watching the situation closely and alerting the people time and again that our youth are being pushed towards destruction through different means. Mr.Geelani appealed all the conscious students of various colleges and schools to stand up against these tactics .Mr. Geelani assured that whole nation will stand behind these youth. Condemning the arrest of two students of medical college Mr. Geelani said students should not be mute spectators to these issues instead they should stand up against these programs.

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