Brussels: In an emerging scenario it becomes more important for European Union to support the voices of moderation and peace in the context of Kashmir issue, a resolution presented at EU parliament in Brussels urged.
A Kashmir Council EU’s delegation headed by its chairman has presented the 10-point resolution called ‘Brussels Resolution’ on Kashmir at European Parliament.
The resolution passed by delegates of the 5th Kashmir EU week held in the European Parliament from 8-12 September, 2014 was handed over in shape of a proper document to Dr Sajjad Karim, the Member of EU Parliament and Chairman of Advisory Committee of President of the parliament on Wednesday.
Besides, Chairman Ali Raza Syed, President World Kashmir Diaspora Alliance (WKDA), Chaudhry Khalid Mahmood Joshi and Anthony Crasner, the Former Ambassador of EU were also included in the delegation.
The delegates observed that in view of the changing geopolitical scenario in the neighborhood of Kashmir, there are more probabilities that extremist forces from outside the region will seek to become involved in Kashmir issue. Thereby involvement of such extreme elements inevitably will impose serious problems for all existing stakeholders. In such an emerging scenario it becomes more important for European Union to support the voices of moderation and peace and help India and Pakistan to resolve the Kashmir issue in accordance to the wishes of people of Jammu and Kashmir.
The unanimous declaration supported by the delegates participated in international conference during the week-long event resolved that there is a need to engage urgently for an outcome of constructive dialogue for the settlement of Kashmir issue.
The conference delegates realized the difficulties due to lack of appropriate strategy and focus between the major stakeholders. They unanimously agreed also to establish a climate of greater mutual confidence that will positively impact in pursuing a constructive dialogue.
The conference considered range of possible measures which can provide the mutual trust and confidence building between the key stakeholders in the Kashmir conflict. The conference as such concluded that without prejudice to the stated positions of every sovereign state party to the conflict, it is possible, to identify a number of areas where an appropriate intervention by EU would have a positive effect on diplomatic environment surrounding of this dispute.
The resolution urged that a delegation of European Parliament members must visit both sides of Kashmir across the Ceasefire Line.
It also emphasized on EU parliament to engage different male and female professionals including journalists and academicians from Kashmir on annual internship program. A scholarship program and training awards was also suggested for Kashmiri skilled professional people.
The resolution recommended that the office of the Chair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights of the European Parliament, and the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights must examine that the draconian laws exist in Kashmir are in conformity with the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights?
In view of the catastrophic floods in the Kashmir Valley the participants felt that the reason for such unprecedented floods have occurred due to negligence on the part of Indian government and officials in the bureaucracy who have knowingly disregarded the warnings of the technocrats who had predicted such devastating floods in 2010, under “Uppal Report”.
The participants of the conference urged European Parliament to take steps to facilitate for easy access for families who are divided between the Ceasefire Line in Kashmir. In this regard the participants suggested that the relevant authorities of both India and Pakistan be contacted through the relevant offices of European Parliament/Commission.
The conference strongly recommended that World Kashmir Diaspora Alliance and Kashmir Council EU who, have decided to hold a conference of civil society, political leaders, academicians and imminent people from various sections of the Kashmiri society and ethnicity be facilitated by European Parliament, to discuss in the proposed conference, the ways in which the urban demilitarization can be achieved through peaceful debate and dialogue.
The participants showed their solidarity and support for the victims of the recent September 2014 flooding and urged the Kashmiri Diaspora to unite in the rehabilitation of the victims who have lost their properties, infrastructure, businesses and livestock.
The delegates, participants and Kashmir EU Week attendees gave unanimous support to designation of Kashmir Council EU, International Council of Human Development (ICHD) and World Kashmir Diaspora Alliance (WKDA) as interlocutors and implementing organizations during the implementation of this program for European Parliament.

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